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The good news for peele is that sandales jimmy choo

23 Jun 14 - 20:32

Gambling louboutin bianca vernis secrets Planning a trip to vegas to party and strike it rich?Here's a tip:You'll have a better chance of winning if you avoid roulette.That's because casinos have a big advantage in roulette.There are 38 numbers on a standard american roulette wheel:1 though 36, plus 0 and 00.That means you have a 1 in 38 chance of picking the right number.But, if you bet a dollar and win, you don't get $38 you win $35 and keep the original dollar you bet, for a total of $36.That $2 difference between $36 and $38 is called the"House edge. "The higher the house edge, the more money the casinos keep.In roulette, casinos on average keep over 5% of the money gambled.In contrast, a skilled blackjack player can get the house edge below 1%.One reason is because the rules of blackjack allow you to"Double down"And bet extra money on hands where you have an advantage giving blackjack good odds compared to other games.If slot machines are your favorite, there's also a trick with them:Use the more expensive machines.Slots in vegas that cost a dollar per spin are programed to have a house edge around 5%.But slots that cost only a penny per spin can have a house edge that's twice as high.And where you play is as important as what you play.Smaller casinos off the las vegas strip may not be as fancy, but they will often give better odds on their slot machines and have lower minimum bets on their table games.And even if you don't strike it rich, at least you know the odds being able to party hard in vegas are 100%. While the eastern half of the country battles more snowstorms this month, there's a very different problem out west:Drought.In california, 2013 was the driest year on record since it became a state in 1850.The dry weather has an especially strong impact on farmers, who consume about 80% of the water in california.The usda has declared a state of emergency in parts of california, allowing farmers to receive emergency loans from the government.As bad as these conditions are, it could be worse. Parts of Australia recently suffered through a decade longDrought that didn't end until 2012. But that's nothing compared to a 240 year megaDrought that is believed to have once hit California. Studying tree rings patterns and sediment has provided scientists with evidence of a massiveDrought between the years 850 to 1090AD. But aDrought doesn't need to last that long to take its toll on human life. ADrought in India in the 1770s lasted only around 4 years but led to a famine, which killed about 10 million people a third of the country's population at the time. And aDrought in Africa between 1981 and 1984 is estimated to have caused over a million deaths. If the current CaliforniaDrought continues, one solution may be using desalinized salt water, as is done in parts of the Middle East.But desalinized water is about five times more expensive than the current water supply in california.So it's much easier to enact water conservation laws and hope some of that wet, winter weather in the east finds its way to california soon. Planning to take the kids to a pg 13 movie?If so, one thing you'll likely see in the film is gun violence.That's because a recent study in the scientific journal,"Pediatrics"Found that gun violence in pg 13 films has tripled since the rating was first introduced in 1985.Some people are concerned that if teenagers are repeatedly exposed to guns onscreen they may become emotionally desensitized to violence.The dilemma of how to rate movies properly goes back decades.In 1930, hollywood began policing itself with a system known as the hayes code.The code involved a series guidelines spelling out themes that wouldn't be shown onscreen, such as nudity, the mocking of religion, and drug use.By 1968, societal standards had changed and so the motion picture association of america came up with the modern rating system.An mpaa committee, known as the classification and rating administration, screens the film and determines the rating.There are currently five mpaa ratings:G for general audience, pg for parental guidance suggested, pg 13 meaning some material may be inappropriate for children under 13, r for restricted people under 17 must be accompanied by an adult and nc 17, meaning no one under 17 admitted.Even within the mpaa system, ratings standards can be fluid.In 2007, the mpaa announced that it would more strongly consider the amount of onscreen smoking in its rating decisions. There have been many headaches for the white house during the obamacare rollout, but who would have guessed that one of them would be caused by richard simmons?In january, the fitness guru appeared in a live internet web stream urging california residents to"Get covered"With obamacare.But the psa was criticized for its $1.37 million cost, especially because California's Obamacare program is facing a $78 million budget shortfall.But this is hardly the first case of a celebrity psa getting backlash.In 2010, bristol palin and jersey shore star the Situation appeared in a psa advocating sexual abstinence.But their dialogue mentions the word"Situation"Over 15 times in two minutes, and some viewers found lines like,"If you do get into a situation with your situation, you may end up with a situation,"To be confusing.Even fictional characters aren't immune from criticism of their psas.Cookie monster appeared in a 1974 psa where he eats healthy foods, like fish and vegetables, promoting good nutrition.But the psa ends with a bulldozer full of cookies being dumped on cookie monster's head, which some felt would only encourage kids to eat more cookies.Other times, it's a celebrity's personal life that can undermine their psa.Pee wee herman appeared in a psa during the 1980s to tell kids about the dangers of crack cocaine.But paul reubens, the actor behind pee wee, has since been arrested multiple times, including a 1991 bust for indecent exposure.Which means if california puts pee wee in their next obamacare psa, it'll be another huge headache for the white house. Every model walking the runway at fashion week is thinking one thing:Don't trip!But that's harder than it seems in the world of high fashion.Imagine trying to keep your balance while wearing this christian louboutin shoe, named the"Fetish ballerine. "Louboutin himself once said,"A shoe has so much more to offer than just to walk,"And this high heel proves he meant what he said!Other shoes in recent years have been extreme because of their materials, not their height.This pair of heels, from designer roxanne jackson, contains actual fur and asks a model to get in touch with her animal instincts.You'll have to put a fear of clashing colors aside when you wear these boots by designer brooke king, inspired by the writings of dr.Seuss.And these wooden shoes by designer masaya kushino have a tail made of human hair.They're called"Lung ta,"Which means"Wind horse"In tibetan, and the shoes are meant to evoke an image of horse's tail when it's runningalthough running in these shoes seems super difficult.It could be worse for the fashion models, though.At least none of them have ever been asked to wear this pair of shoes, which hold the guinness world record for heaviest shoes.In 2010, american ashrita furman walked 10 meters in these metal shoes, which weigh approximately 323 pounds combined. Furman never fell,Which meansmaybe next year we'll see them on the runway during fashion week. Fashion week is underway in milan, and many models working the runway are probably eager to become cover girls before they lose their youthful beauty.But they've got more time than you'd expect.For instance, take a look at carmen dell'orefice, who graced the cover of you magazine last summer at the ripe old age of 82.Dell'orefice was first on the cover of vogue in 1947.Back then, harry truman was in the white house and a gallon of gas cost about 15 cents.Over 65 years later, she's still strutting her stuff on the runway.Not to be outdone, christie brinkley recently appeared in a swimsuit on the cover of people magazine to celebrate her 60th birthday.And 40 year old kate moss has been modeling for over 25 years, but is still one of the industry's top earners.According to forbes magazine, she raked in a total of $5.7 million in 2013.On the other end of the spectrum, english model cara delevingne has said she may have to cut her career cut short.The 21 year old delevingne, who has already appeared on the cover of vogue and w, suffers from psoriasis, which causes patches of red, flaky skin a nightmare for a fashion model.If delevingne leaves modeling early, she won't be the first.Beverly peele was a supermodel in the late 1980s and early 1990s who appeared on the cover of mademoiselle at the age of 14.But after becoming a mother, peele left modeling at the age of 20.The good news for peele is that sandales jimmy choo she won't be as old as carmen dell'orefice until the year 2057 plenty of time to attempt a comeback. Planning to travel the world when you retire?If you live in monaco, you'll likely have time to see a few extra places.That's because people in monaco currently have an average life expectancy of 90 years, the highest of any country.Followed by the tiny microstate of san marino, with 83 years.Ranks 51st worldwide, according to figures from the cia, with an average life expectancy of 79 years.Lag behind?A 2012 study by the federal government's national institute on aging found that diet and nutrition play an important role in life expectancy.Many asian countries have diets consisting mostly of fish and vegetables, which helps avoid heart disease.That's one reason why life expectancy in japan is 84 years and in hong kong it's 82 years both above america.Of course, economic conditions and access to medicine also play a big role.Is well ahead of many poor and developing countries, such as chad, an african nation with the lowest life expectancy in the world at 49 years.And regardless of geography, women tend to live 5 10 years longer than men in industrialized countries.Some scientists think this is due to the fact that women naturally tend to have lower levels of iron in their blood, as excessive iron levels can lead to cell damage as we age.A 2008 article in time magazine also speculated that women's ability to manage stress better than men contributed to their longevity.Whatever the reason, some women can plan on having a little extra time on their hands when they retire.Monaco anyone? Okay, the answer is:Brad rutter.Buzz in if you know the corresponding question!Time's up!If you said,"Who holds the record for the most money won on jeopardy? "You're correct!Rutter has won over $3.4 million on the quiz show, which includes winning multiple tournaments of champions.If you thought ken jennings held that record, don't feel too bad.Jennings did rack up a record 74 straight jeopardy wins in 2004And2005, during which he won over $2.5 million in prize money.And after appearing on other shows like"1 vs.100"And"Are you smarter than a 5th grader? "Jennings also holds the record for combined game show winnings with over $3.9 million.Cha ching!But some game show contestants are famous for all the wrong reasons.In 1957, charles van doren won close to $130, 000 on the nbc game show"Twenty one"That's the equivalent of over a million dollars today.But in 1959, a scandal broke out, van doren admitted the show producers gave him the answers to the questions in advance.Andin 2003, a British Army officer named Charles Ingram was convicted of cheating his way to the million pound prize on the British version of "Who wants to be a millionaire? " After reviewing the game tape, producers noticed that Ingram would read every multiple choice question aloudAndthen a friend in the audience would cough at the correct answer.So, do you think ingram's punishment was a)A fine b)Having the prize money withheld c)Getting kicked out of the army or [coughing noise] d)All of the above?Brad rutter probably knows the answerwithout having to cheat. Grandparents are always telling kids to save every penny.But it also appears kids should think about saving their nutmeg, too.That's because nutmeg has been used as a valuable currency throughout history.Besides flavoring food, many people used the spice as a medicine to treat everything from upset stomachs to the bubonic plague.During the 1400s, a pound of nutmeg could be traded for seven oxen in germany.Later, in the 1600s, the dutch and british went to war over control of indonesia, because at the time that was the only place where nutmeg was grown.Since 1953, the credito emiliano bank in italy has accepted wheels of parmesan as collateral for loans.The bank's vaults can hold around 440, 000 wheels of cheese, each weighing about 80 pounds, and worth about $400.That means the vault can hold around $180 million worth of cheese.Not all unusual currencies are edible.In ancient china, the shells from cowries, a type of sea snail, were used as money because they were easy to carry but difficult to forge, and therefore hard to counterfeit.And the 21st century has seen the rise of electronic currencies, such as bitcoin, which can only be bought, sold, and stored online.Electronic currencies can be used worldwide without the exchange rate fees or credit card fees that accompany traditional money.So maybe soon we'll be telling our grandkids to save their bitcoins for a rainy day.Rowling hasabout a book she wrote.Instead, hermione wound up with ron weasley, a marriage that rowling now admits would likely need counseling.The novel"Jaws"Sold over 20 million copies and was turned into louboutinchaussures a 1975 blockbuster, directed by steven spielberg.Director francis ford coppola said in a 2011 interview, that he should never have made any sequels to the movie.Many fans disagree, at least about the 1974 film godfather part ii, which won oscars for best picture and best director.Regrets happen in the tv world, too.Many critics disliked the seriesFinale to"Seinfeld. "In 2009, on an episode of"Curb your enthusiasm,"Larry david staged a fictional reunion of the"Seinfeld"Cast, which some fans felt was an attempt to create a second, better"Seinfeld"Finale.Rowling will also be able to laugh about her controversial ending.If not, maybe harry can cast a spell and make all her regrets go away. 1:54 mins Planning a trip to vegas to party and strike it rich?Here's a tip:You'll have a better chance of winning if you avoid roulette.That's because casinos have a big advantage in roulette.There are 38 numbers on a standard american roulette wheel:1 though 36, plus 0 and 00.That means you have a 1 in 38 chance of picking the right number.But, if you bet a dollar and win, you don't get $38 you win $35 and keep the original dollar you bet, for a total of $36.That $2 difference between $36 and $38 is called the"House edge. "The higher the house edge, the more money the casinos keep.In roulette, casinos on average keep over 5% of the money gambled.In contrast, a skilled blackjack player can get the house edge below 1%.One reason is because the rules of blackjack allow you to"Double down"And bet extra money on hands where you have an advantage giving blackjack good odds compared to other games.If slot machines are your favorite, there's also a trick with them:Use the more expensive machines.Slots in vegas that cost a dollar per spin are programed to have a house edge around 5%.But slots that cost only a penny per spin can have a house edge that's twice as high.And where you play is as important as what you play.Smaller casinos off the las vegas strip may not be as fancy, but they will often give better odds on their slot machines and have lower minimum bets on their table games.And even if you don't strike it rich, at least you know the odds being able to party hard in vegas are 100%.
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